Friday, January 4, 2013

The Pole Paradox

The Pole Paradox, as I have coined it, is this:
  1. Pole has a sexy stereotype
  2. Pole performers want to show that Pole is more versatile than that, and work hard to create a variety of artistic atmospheres on the pole
  3. But, pole performers are not allowed to perform at more conservative events due to their sexy stereotype
  4. So, pole performers are forced to perform only at risque events, even though they show a variety of acts, both sexy and unsexy (much like any other dance form)
  5. So, the sexy stereotype is prolonged, and pole performance is not viewed objectively by the general public at all
I have been working on a routine for a local theatre company who was putting on a formal holiday dinner with various artistic performances as entertainment; this morning, I found out my act was cancelled due to the fact that the ticket buyers were consistently complaining to the organizers about my routine, threatening not to come because of the inappropriateness of pole dancing. 

The organizers have seen my routines and have approved their content as suitable for the event, however, the public didn't trust the organizer's decision, and prejudged my talent before finding out anything about what competitive pole dancing is, and who the performer is as well.

It's disappointing and hurtful to be treated with such disrespect and prejudice.

I have a plan though. We have a competition coming up at Taboo Naughty but Nice Show in Vancouver, and I am planning to create a routine in my own style - artistic, acrobatic, and so much more than just sexy or raunchy. If the general conservative public won't let us come to them, then we will have them come to us.

Given that the general public doesn't know and doesn't care what pole can be, the onus is and will always be on the practitioners to change the stereotype view of pole. Thousands upon thousands of suburban parents go to Taboo and then go home and sit on conservative organizing committees of all sorts. But, they won't have their view of pole validated in the way that they expect, because it will be upon us, the members of the competition, to show them what we are capable of! We will literally guerrilla market them at the Taboo sex show and show them that we are not just one sided sex acts!

The Pole Paradox will be eliminated for good...eventually...

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